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This should hopefully allow you to choose the area thats best for you or give you alternatives if an area is already being farmed by other players. 1 - 50 Collecting Silverleaf and Peacebloom Mulgore. Just do circuits round the base of Thunderbluff picking Silverleaf and Peacebloom. Do circuits around Dolanaar heading South East around the lake and back upto to Dolanaar, if your Alliance or complete circuits of Elwynn Forest. For Undead, try starting at Solliden Farmstead in Tirisfal Glades, run north to the mills, loop round and back south past Stillwater Pond and onto Cold Hearth Manor and Nightmare Vale. Then back up to Solliden Farmstead again. (Thanks to Olmolmtyr for info) You can find Peacebloom and Silverleaf in abundance around your main starting area (not in it, around it). So the first 50 levels should be really easy. 51 - 70 Collecting Mageroyal and Earthroot Go west from Crossroads then head north before the entrance to Stonetalon Mountains and follow around to where the harpies are, then head east back to the Gold road and then south to Crossroads again, picking Mage Royal, Earthroot, Peacebloom and Silverleaf as you go. For Alliance start in the north of Westfall and follow the coast south to Deadmines and then head straight to Sentinel Hill and back up to the north again, picking Mageroyal. You can also run circuits of Gol'Bolar Quarry in Dun Morogh, collecting Earthroot as you go. (Thanks to Flareon for that info) 71 - 100 Collecting Briarthorn Same route as above (for Horde), but extend it east to Sludge Fen, picking Briarthorn now. You could actually extend your runs to encompass the whole of The Barrens, as this area is absolutely chock full of Briarthorn and other herbs. It's possibly the best area to get your herbalism trained up. Southern part of Silverpine Forest, from Pyrewood Village to the Entrance to Hillsbrad Foothills and back again. Same route as above (for Alliance) or do circuits of Twilight Grove in Duskwood. Also for Alliance, just wander north to south in Darkshore for loads of Briarthorn. The eastern side of Loch Modan is also a great place for Briarthorn. You could also do circuits of Lakeshire in Redridge Mountains. 101 - 115 Collecting Bruiseweed Start at the Ramparts in Ashenvale and head north-east to Splintertree Post (dont follow road, try to go as straight as you can, you'll find more herbs that way), then head west from Splintertree Post towards the first bridge. Head south from here past the Moonwell and then back west to the ramparts when you reach the edge of the map. Pick Bruiseweed as you go. Stonetalon Mountains. Go to Camp Aparaje, head west to the Grimtotem Post, then south to Malaka'jin, then east to the Greatwood Vale. Nice run of Bruiseweed there. The Field of Giants in Southern Barrens or between the two Razorfens. You can also circle to the north of Mystral Lake for Bruiseweed or to the West of Astranaar in Ashenvale. Windshear Crag in Stonetalon Mountains. The eastern coast of Loch Modan. Circuits of Stonewatch keep in Redridge Mountains. 116 - 125 Collecting Wild Steelbloom Go to Stonetalon Peak and do circuits of the small area around the Alliance Town and the Talon Den collecting Wild Steelbloom. For higher levels do full circuits of Arathi Highlands, sticking to the mountain sides (as this is where you'll find Wild Steelbloom) Nek'mani Wellspring in Stranglethorn Vale. The Zuuldaia Ruins, north of Grom'gol in Stranglethorn Vale. Go from Black Channel Marsh in the Wetlands to the Angerfang Encampment, taking in Whelgar's Excavation Site as you go. Go from The Field of Giants in southern Barrens to the two Razorfens and back up again. Between The Great Lift and Highperch in Thousand Needles. *from now on your going to be doing circuits of the full map, so you'll have to learn your own paths. 126 - 160 Collecting Kingsblood Full circuits of Ashenvale to collect Kingsblood. Circuits of The Charred Vale in Stonetalon Mountains. Full circuits of The Wetlands. Full circuits of Hillsbrad Foothills. The Misty Reed Stand in Swamp of Sorrows. 161 - 185 Collecting Fadeleaf Full circuits of Swamp of Sorrows to collect Fadeleaf (sell these to Rogues for a good profit). 186 - 205 Collecting Khadgar's Whisker Full circuits of The Hinterlands to collect Khadgar's Whisker. The Witherbark Village and Ogre Compound in Arthai Highlands. You can also stay in Swamp of Sorrows, as there is a decent amount of Khadgar's Whiskers there. 206 - 230 Collecting Firebloom Full circuits of Searing Gorge to collect Firebloom. Full circuits of Blasted Lands. Tanaris also has a lot, but doing full circuits takes time. You can divide Tanaris into four and do circuits that way. 231 - 250 Collecting Sungrass Full circuits of Felwood to collect Sungrass. This is actually more of a zig-zag pattern, rather than a circuit (also try to do the Cleansing Felwood quest and pick up Windblossom Berries, Nightdragons, Whipper Roots and the odd Songflower Serenade buff when needed). Feralas is also a great place to get Sungrass. You can make two circuits here. One that starts in the very north west at The Ruins of Ravenwind and runs south to The High Wilderness and one around The Lower Wilds, Lariss Pavillion, Grimtotem Compound and Woodpaw Hills, all near Camp Mojache. You can do circuits around The Forlorn Ridge in Azshara. You can try the main path through The Hinterlands too. As you follow it one way, stay about 50 metres from the path and then do the same the other way. 251 - 270 Collecting Gromsblood Full circuits of Felwood to collect Gromsblood. See above notes. Do circuits of Mannoroc Coven in Desolace for Gromsblood too. Full circuits of Blasted Lands. Demon Fall Canyon in Ashenvale, not many people bother with this area, so although its small, it can be good for farming Gromsblood. 271 - 285 or 290 (see below) Collecting Dreamfoil Full circuits of Un'goro Crater to collect Dreamfoil. Two good routes in Azshara are: From The Forlorn Ridge, head south east to the Ravencrest Monument and back again. From the north of the Ruins of Eldareth, head north east to the Jagged Reaches and back again. 285 or 290 - 300 From 285 you can get Plagueblooms from doing circuits of Eastern and Western Plaguelands and Felwood, but if your not competing against a load of other players, try to collect Icecaps from Winterspring, as they will sell for more money. For more detailed guides, encompassing all the aspects of Herbalism, please check the following: or or EDIT: Ah, thats much neater :o) [ post edited by Highlander ] 60 Highlander Level 60 Undead Warrior Guild: FallenAngels Realm: Terenas 2. Re: [HER] Herbalism 1 to 300 Guide | 2/24/2006 5:22:32 PM CEST Herbs Found in Instances Blackfathom Deeps Bruiseweed Stranglekelp The Deadmines Briarthorn (rarely, but it is there) Dire Maul Black Lotus Dreamfoil Purple Lotus Ghost Mushrooms Gromsblood Golden Sansam Mountain Silversage Jintha'Alor I know it's not an instance, but it's a damn tough place :o) Purple Lotus Ghost Mushrooms Maraudon Ghost Mushrooms Blindweed Bruiseweed Stranglekelp Razorfen Downs Grave Moss Goldthorn Arthas' Tears Razorfen Kraul Briarthorn Fadeleaf Scarlet Monastrey Goldthorn Armoury Section Thanks to Darkfire for info Fadeleaf Library Section Thanks to Wolfsong for info Fadeleaf Liferoot Graveyard Section Thanks to Wolfsong for info Grave Moss Kingsblood Wailing Caverns Briarthorn Earthroot Liferoot Bruiseweed Silverleaf Kingsblood Zul'farrak Bruiseweed Zul'Gurub Bloodvine Dreamfoil Sungrass Purple Lotus Golden Sansam Mountain Silversage I beleive this is now a complete list. If you see any herbs in an instance that I haven't listed, please post it up here and I'll add it. [ post edited by Highlander ] 60 Tinker Level 60 Gnome Mage Guild: Destiny and Elite Realm: Bloodhoof 3. Re: [HER] Herbalism 1 to 300 Guide | 2/24/2006 6:33:15 PM CEST /sign for sticky! <-- Fan EDIT: For 1-50, Teldrassil is also fantastic. If you're a herbalist, your minimap will be yellow. [ post edited by Tinker ] "Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it." 60 Highlander Level 60 Undead Warrior Guild: FallenAngels Realm: Terenas 4. Re: [HER] Herbalism 1 to 300 Guide | 2/24/2006 8:28:34 PM CEST Thanks Tinker :o) In Tedrassil, is it just a full circuit or is there a specific route thats good for Peacebloom, Silverleaf and Earthroot? So with that info, it's really just 51-100 that needs fleshing out for the Alliance side. 60 Doodle Level 60 Dwarf Warrior Guild: Rachells Angels Realm: The Maelstrom 5. Re: [HER] Herbalism 1 to 300 Guide | 2/25/2006 1:37:17 AM CEST Nice guide, I'd like to add a few things, First you can get loads more gromsblood in Desolace (Manarocs coven) and not as high level mobs, and when you you get to like 165 or so you can go to Swamp of sorrows and pick up huge ammounts of Blindweed (with fadeleaf). There's loads of other things but I can't remember them atm. Edit: Wetlands has the biggest ammount of Kingsblood I've seen (and some other herbs) [ post edited by Doodle ] Happy fun rock is fun! 60 Highlander Level 60 Undead Warrior Guild: FallenAngels Realm: Terenas 6. Re: [HER] Herbalism 1 to 300 Guide | 2/25/2006 2:15:55 AM CEST Thanks Doodle, added your info :) 60 Draklore Level 60 Tauren Shaman Guild: Disenchanted Realm: Earthen Ring 7. Re: [HER] Herbalism 1 to 300 Guide | 2/25/2006 3:56:48 PM CEST Any idea on a sort of time scale for a lv 60 to do this? Roughish figures? Sigs are for fools 60 Rogash Level 60 Undead Rogue Guild: Mercury Realm: Stormscale 8. Re: [HER] Herbalism 1 to 300 Guide | 2/25/2006 4:38:51 PM CEST Havent tried with this guide, but i've done 1-300 in around 4 hours. Drigoth 60Mage, Rogash 60Rogue 60 Highlander Level 60 Undead Warrior Guild: FallenAngels Realm: Terenas 9. Re: [HER] Herbalism 1 to 300 Guide | 2/25/2006 6:55:32 PM CEST Between 4 and 8 hours would be about right. Depends on the spawns. When I get my third level 60 sorted, going to try and do this completely and make adjustment accordingly. 60 Tinker Level 60 Gnome Mage Guild: Destiny and Elite Realm: Bloodhoof 10. Re: [HER] Herbalism 1 to 300 Guide | 3/1/2006 5:28:08 PM CEST /poke "Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it." 52 Phibo Level 52 Gnome Mage Guild: Midgaard Realm: Twilight's Hammer 11. Re: [HER] Herbalism 1 to 300 Guide | 3/2/2006 5:15:21 PM CEST Nice guide. I´ve thinking about dropping skinning and picking up herbalism (instead of the intended engineering..) An improvement idea for the future would be small images of the intended routes and perhaps a link to a Gatherer addon backup file :D 60 Highlander Level 60 Undead Warrior Guild: FallenAngels Realm: Terenas 12. Re: [HER] Herbalism 1 to 300 Guide | 3/3/2006 1:38:27 PM CEST Q u o t e: Nice guide. I´ve thinking about dropping skinning and picking up herbalism (instead of the intended engineering..) An improvement idea for the future would be small images of the intended routes and perhaps a link to a Gatherer addon backup file :D Thankyou. As for maps and my gatherer datafile, would prefer people to find their own routes as it's a lot more fun that way and you learn more than from being told exactly where to go. I just like to point players in the right direction. It's also a lot more work for me and I'm not the best when it comes to editing picture files. There is no need for me to upload a gatherer datafile as has a lot more locations than I do. 25 Velan Level 25 Undead Mage Guild: The Rugrats Realm: Quel'Thalas 13. Re: [HER] Herbalism 1 to 300 Guide | 3/4/2006 2:44:27 AM CEST Great guild. im following as i go along but after Wild Steelbloom to for my alchemy is ashenvale the best place to look for it. Kobolds the biggest of the small folk 60 Highlander Level 60 Undead Warrior Guild: FallenAngels Realm: Terenas 14. Re: [HER] Herbalism 1 to 300 Guide | 3/4/2006 1:27:06 PM CEST Q u o t e: Great guild. im following as i go along but after Wild Steelbloom to for my alchemy is ashenvale the best place to look for it. I'm actually thinking of changing that part to Stonetalon mountains. I just seem to find a few when I was looking for Bruiseweed, but had a couple of runs today and only found 2! So went and tried around Stonetalon Peak and got 10 in one circuit. So I think I'll change it. 60 Highlander Level 60 Undead Warrior Guild: FallenAngels Realm: Terenas 15. Re: [HER] Herbalism 1 to 300 Guide | 3/4/2006 1:57:03 PM CEST Changed. Had a load of other info that I needed to try out today and added all that too. 60 Gaknar Level 60 Undead Mage Guild: United Guilds Realm: Azjol-Nerub 16. Re: [HER] Herbalism 1 to 300 Guide | 3/5/2006 9:47:37 AM CEST apart from WC (Briarthorn,earthroot & liferoot) and RFD (gave moss) are the any other instant that will have herbs in them guaranted this is a really usefull guild btw 60 Tinker Level 60 Gnome Mage Guild: Destiny and Elite Realm: Bloodhoof 17. Re: [HER] Herbalism 1 to 300 Guide | 3/5/2006 11:02:44 AM CEST Oh, grave Moss? There's loads of it at the Kodo Graveyard in Desolace :) "Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it." 53 Phibo Level 53 Gnome Mage Guild: Midgaard Realm: Twilight's Hammer 18. Re: [HER] Herbalism 1 to 300 Guide | 3/5/2006 2:54:34 PM CEST "apart from WC (Briarthorn,earthroot & liferoot) and RFD (gave moss) are the any other instant that will have herbs in them guaranted this is a really usefull guild btw " Ghost Mushrooms in Inner Maraudon. 60 Highlander Level 60 Undead Warrior Guild: FallenAngels Realm: Terenas 19. Re: [HER] Herbalism 1 to 300 Guide | 3/5/2006 8:10:12 PM CEST Will try and add a list of Instanced Herbs in time, as thats useful to know. 60 Lonan Level 60 Human Paladin Guild: FoL Elite Realm: Azjol-Nerub 20. Re: [HER] Herbalism 1 to 300 Guide | 3/6/2006 9:10:32 AM CEST /signed from another fan. Sticky this one please, Highlander knows what he's talking about. His other guides are awesome too... 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 Online Privacy Policy ©2005 Blizzard Entertainment. All rights reserved.